Tuesday 16 September 2008

First post

So i've been thinking about this whole blogging thing for a while now but its taken some time to get over my perhaps irrational ,fear of 'sharing information about myself'. i have read and reread all the privacy information, 'is this blog truly annonymous if i wish it to be?', questioned myself (as i regularly do) as to why i care, failed to come up with an answer and finally told myself to stop thinking about it so much ,and here i am. What i haven't done is looked to see if there is a 'right' way to write a blog, i briefly clicked on the help and information page but it all started to look far too complicated.So i just ignored it. i have been toying with the title aswell. This whole privacy issue i have needs dealing with someway, so i thought, fuck it, just use every word i would hate to use to describe myself (that The Daily Mail would immediatly pounce upon should i, for whatever reason become the subject of their daily, fascinatingly objective study of human society..) Yet i the thought that every time i log onto this page there it will be, staring me in the face, just in case i had miraculously failed to pass that thought through my mind that day. So i may end up regretting this title but then again, maybe i will learn to embrace it.

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